30 January 2009

The ACME 40GH Sermonator

The sermon for this week took longer than usual before it arrived but once the ideas started taking shape and were placed together it flowed quicker than usual, go figure.  

Currently I am in between the Advent-Xmas-Epiphany series on the poetry of Advent, which then spilled over into a good chunk of January and the Lenten-Easter series on Life Together (based on Dietrich Bonhoeffer's book of the same title).  The time in-between the series left the Sundays of February to plan.  The month is a bit unusual for I will be in WV for one Sunday during the winter break the kids have here in Lil Rhody.  

Usually in the midst of reading, listening to music, or talking with folk ideas will come for sermons that are not necessarily part of a series but nice one-time events.  With a pile of ideas on 3x5 cards I picked out three for this month that fit an overall theme of pre-Lenten ideas.  I have labeled the stack of cards, newspaper articles, scribbles, pictures and what not The ACME 40GH Sermonator.

This week's sermon on being comfortable with God is titled Crisscross Applesauce.  I had never heard the titled phrase until one day when I took #1 to story time at the library and the children's librarian asked if all would sit crisscross applesauce.  I watched all of the kids fall in line and sit with smiles on their faces.  They were all so comfortable, relaxed, and expectant.  How come most of us do not feel that way when we are attentive to God's presence?
Sermon two: Three Little Words.  This one is still in the works but I imagine it will build off the previous sermon.
Sermon three: A Sunday Kind of Love.  I have had this sermon percolating for a good bit but never the time or opportunity to work on it properly.  
Then onto Ash Wednesday and Lent...

On a lighter note.  This week I talked with several colleagues concerning their Annual Meetings, some were fun some were not (mine by the way was quite enjoyable).  After my discussions I think I may rewrite the gospel of Mark using the Robert's Rules of Order.   

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