07 May 2007

A Weekend Report: Living in a Marshmallow World

The weekend went well. The Derby Pie was delicious as was the mint julep I made (mint from the garden, rye whiskey, and sugar syrup). The concert was a sellout, 126 in attendance!

T-Ball, the girl did great. I took my assumed position at second base. I point where second is and instruct them onto third. I encourage them to throw the refrigerator off their backs as they run from first to second. I also ask them what they had for breakfast to make them run so fast and when the play the field I ask them if their gloves are hungry (so their gloves will eat the balls.)
#1 at Bat:Here is me in a very descriptive photo essay on my job as second base adult:

On Sunday, a cool day we went outside:
to play in the sand
To swing
to eat smores
and live in amarshmallow world

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