26 February 2012

Lenten Reading List

I am taking a break from the fictive portion of my fictive sabbatical for Lent by adding several non-fiction works.  I am listing my books only because it will keep me from wandering to other books.  And if you see me ask me how I like one of them...

1.  Zen Spirit, Christian Spirit by Robert E. Kennedy
2.  Living Buddha, Living Christ by Thich Nhat Hanh
3.  Without Buddha I Could Not Be a Christian by Paul F. Knitter
4.  Finding Our Fathers: How a Man's Life Is Shaped by His Relationship with His Father by Samuel Osherson
5.  Everyday Miracles: Stories from Life by F. Forrester Church
6.  Prisons by Mary Lee Settle
7.  Hawksmoor by Peter Ackroyd (maybe)

The first three are for spiritual direction in my own personal life and my practice as a pastor.  I am pursuing my own interest and renewal in Christian meditation.  The fourth is part of a reading list for personal understanding and professional understanding.  The fifth is a book of essays in a manner that I envision writing.  The sixth and seventh are fiction works that I enjoy.  Settle is such an excellent writer!


Carl Gregg said...

The only two I've read on your list are Hanh's and Knitter's books. Knitter's, in particular, is a stunning example of biography as theology. I haven't read the Forrest Church one on your list, but I have read his final two books, which were excellent and moving.

For your Christian meditation practice, you may also want to see especially "Centering Prayer and Inner Awakening" by Cynthia Bourgeault. It's the best single-volume on the practice to the best of my knowledge (http://amzn.to/s0mINz). However, there is certainly a venerable tradition of Christian Zen practice and writings as well.

To shamelessly mention one of my own posts, you may be interested in my "How Do I Find Time to Pray?" (http://bit.ly/zl8d0Z).

Peace to you this day,


G. Travis Norvell said...

Thanks for the link and additional book. I'll take a look at your post later on today. I should also add to this list Landscapes of the Sacred by Belden Lane and two books I am reviewing: Roger Williams and the Creation of the American Soul by John Barry and And God Spoke to Abraham: Preaching from the OT by Fleming Rutledge. I wanted the Williams book but being on a budget did not permit the purchase, so I offered to review for Review and Expositor.

Carl Gregg said...

Good stuff. On Lane, I haven't read the one you mention, but I have no doubt it is incredible. I loved his "The Solace of Fierce Landscapes: Exploring Desert and Mountain Spirituality" (http://amzn.to/yVlvGA).