19 February 2013

A Good Game for the Good Book

Yesterday the baptism class began.  This year I have the privilege of baptizing my daughter.  I'm pretty sure I'll be able to hold it together during the service, pretty sure.  The class is really a hybrid of a baptism and confirmation class.  The big moment of the class yesterday was the giving of bibles.  The selection was the Green Bible.  Why?  Because I think the righting of the environment will be the biggest challenge and work of their (and mine) generation. Ahem, 350.org plug. 

But how do you introduce the bible?  I did my five minute introduction, showed them portions of the Hebrew Bible and the Greek New Testament, pointed out how the Jewish Bible is ordered differently than the Christian Old Testament, and gave them some fun facts about the prophets.

And then I introduced them to Sword Drills.

Sword Drills, that's right.  Because there are some things from my conservative religious past worth holding onto.

For those who have never participated in a sword drill here is a primer.  Stand up, place your bible between your knees and place your hands on your head (this is standard WV Baptist procedure, different regions do it differently).  When everyone is ready the leader yells out a book, chapter and verse.  Numbers 5:16.  The first one to read that passage out loud wins that round.  It is a great way to learn the books of the bible. In large groups you would stand back-to-back, the first one reading would win the round.  You go until the last person is standing. 

Sword drills are a great tool to help get to know your way around the bible.  In Rhode Island I even had the adults do a few Sundays in the summer.

 And here is the kicker...Everyone loves a sword drill. 

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