18 June 2012

International Evangelist?

As you may or may not know during the first week of Jazz Fest I conducted a prayer experiment outside the gates of the Fair Grounds.  The prayer experiment was pretty simple: would people pay me enough money to buy a ticket to Jazz Fest by writing prayers for them.  Yes, they did.

You can read about the experiment here.  And you can read the article that a colleague wrote.  You can also read my responses to the questions and thoughts I offered the author of the Associated Baptist Press piece.  The author by the way is Rev. Dr. Amy Butler, Senior Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in Washington D.C.

The other day I received a google alert stating that my name came up in an article.  Being nosy, I took a gander at the article. Turns out the monthly Baptist newspaper of western Australia picked up the Jazz Fest prayers experiment story.  Here is a screen shot of the article, photo credit goes to Jack Kerrigan.

I'm curious if I can put on my business card: International Evangelist?

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