26 August 2006

Changes to the Roster

Today I assigned All THings Anglican to my AA affiliate in Elmira, NY. ATA just didnt seem to have what it takes for the day-to-day demands of blogging. I hope there in upstate, NY he will work on his ideas and abilities with the hope of rejoining us before the playoffs.

I also added two to the lineup that I think will strengthen the team:

Alien Nation
, a blog from an ABC colleague here in Rhode Island and tntluoma, the webpage/blog of another colleague (non-ABC - PCUSA dude) who lives and works on the banks of mid-Ohio River.


SA wins season opener

I was pleased to see that the good ole St. Albans Dragons beat the South Charleston Eagles in its season opener. My senior year, in 92 (well actually 91) we lost to SC in overtime 21-20. We went on to a 7-3 regular season, but lost to Barboursville in the first round of AAA playoffs.

While in WV last week I found a flyer, I suppose, I created on the computer. It was a gray sheet of paper printed out by a dot matrix machine that read, Come see the Dragons slay the East Bank Pioneers, while at the game come see your favorite player, left tackle #60, play. Vain and narcisistic, even at the age of 16.

During two-a-days practices the coach, the late Stan Smith, commented that several sophmores were complaining that they weren't getting any playing time. So coach asked for those Sophmores who were 16 to raise their hands, a flurry of hands went up in the air. Coach then said guess what, the center, a Senior is 16, and theobilly is even younger than him, I too was only 16 as a Senior. I guess the amount of 16 year old Sophomores doesnt bode well for the Kanawha County Education system.

25 August 2006

A Piece of Family History

Our trip back to WV went smooth. Like I said eariler I spent a lot of my time working. I was fortunate to work so much, it kept my mind off the present reality that Pop was no longer around. I spent the majority of my time with Pop when we went to WV. We would go fishing, hunting, eating, driving, see old friends, and all kinds of stuff. So to go home and have him not there was a bit overwhelming.

I guess my job now is to be the teller of the family story. Pop was interested but not that much, my great aunt Artie was much more interested.

Our family history tells the story of three brothers traveling from Scotland to Viriginia in 1603. They settled there for about a hundred years then packed up and moved to Ablemarle County, then to Harlan County then finally to Upshur County in WV. First they came to Sago, then mosied on over to Ten Mile. There they built this house:

It was the family homeplace for a good number of generations, till the Allen Creek Coal Company found coal underneath it. The company bought up the community. Artie stayed as long as she could, but the blasts from the mining shattered the windows.

The homeplace

Incisor - Release

Yesterday after much anxiety and consternation, one of #1's bottom incisor released. It is her first tooth to be freed. She found the pushing out with tongue method to be the most effective.

23 August 2006

Language Lessons

#1's new words

1. whisker basket
2. tink top
3. skoutgo pants

Once in St. Albans

The family and I packed up a bunch of suitcases, car seats, snacks and other essentials and flew to West Virginia last week. For some odd reason the flight to HTS was $110 cheaper per ticket than the flight to CRW, go figure. Even though I lived in Huntington for three years I didnt even know where the airport was. HTS is a tiny airport, with 5 daily outbound flights, but fit our needs just fine.

Once out and into the rental vehicle we stopped by Frostop for lunch, you cant beat window service, the best root beer around, three burgers and fries for $9.00! We drove around MU to see some changes then headed back to the Kanawha Valley.

THe families were pleased to see #3 and #2 and #1 were happy to see grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins.

My time was spent mostly working. Mom and I went to the County Courthouse to Probate the will, over to Taylor books for browsing (on the way a woman was hanging out her window about to jump, she didnt) over to Ellen's for ice cream. Next day I took out some kitchen cabinets, then put a new ceiling in - great fun. If you havent had the opportunity to put a new drop ceiling in you should.

On Saturday I took the two oldest nephews to see the Green and White game (also stopped by Frostop again). The way the first team offense played I predict the WVU-MU game will favor WVU by at least three touchdowns - youch!

Yesterday we packed up again and headed back to HTS. The skycap dude remembered us. Finally we arrived back in Lincoln, RI.

The trip was very odd, life and the homeplace without Pop. Whenever I went in I spent almost all my time with him. I looked through old photos, went through his tools, talked to some of his friends and thought about how much I miss the son of a bitch.

11 August 2006

Fun with Numbers

Yesterday #3 went #1 on #2. #2 wanted to know if #3 would do it again.

10 August 2006

Church of the Month

This month's edition of the Alliance of Baptists Newsletter features a fascinating article on a church in Lincoln, RI; there are even live action shots of the pastor!

Go here to read and view.

08 August 2006

A Few Things to Share

#1. The other day I took the kids to the ANTS library with me so mom could get some rest, once there I learned that kids were not welcomed in the library. So we went over to the bookstore to get a hymnal (Common Ground). There #1 saw all kinds of pictures of Jesus on book covers and crosses and the like. She asked me: Daddy why was Jesus nailed on the cross? (I have answered this I dont know how many times, so) I said I dont know you tell me. Her answer: So he wouldnt fall off. Good answer I thought.

#2. The foil ball will continue.

#3. It seems there is an overabundance of the phrase, "If you will."

Without Further Ado

Here he is folks, #3. he was 8lbs 11.oz. and around 21 inches long.
He is doing great now. I once heard someone say that there is a Jewish saying that says a person never dies as long as you say the departed ones name out loud. Well Pop in a different way you will never die.

04 August 2006

Say it Aint So

This morning's WVGazette had this story.
Last week while we gathered for the collation at my sisters, my cousin told me about Andy's. The next day I went over there and had the best rib sandwich of my life. (It wasn't really a sandwich, more like a half slab of ribs with three pieces of white bread piled on top).

So if you are in Institute this week, get over there and eat at Andy's.