06 April 2008

Weekend Review

Yesterday we took the kids bowling.  #1 had been once before, #2 studied and studies the bowlers as we paid and picked up our shoes.  The VOR and I have not been bowling in years, we couldn't believe it cost $35 for lane and shoe rental.  We also could not believe the computer controlled feature that would cause the bumpers to rise when #s 1-3 bowled then lower when myself and the VOR bowled, quite amazing.  

The scores were: #1 79, #2 89, #3 82, VOR 92, Me 107.

Afterwards we headed to Twin's for Pizza.  If you ever are in Providence, swing up to North Providence to Twins, but not in the summer - the place is not air conditioned and it gets to be about 132 degrees in there.  One summer evening I went to pick up a pizza there, it was a scorcher of a day, I saw a parishioner eating supper and went over to say hello - she was drinking coffee.  I was like how?  it is over a 100 degrees in here...

We hoped to go the Creamery after dinner, but we did not have time.  For those who do not know, ice cream shops in Little Rhody close for the winter - the Creamery opened this weekend.  (I saw the owner of the creamery in the grocery store the other day, she noted that I would like the a new flavor "You're a chocolate guy"  only a locally owned business will the owners memorize what flavors you dig.)

We had to get home because of the second of the Concert Series at church: Atwater-Donnelly they put on a great show, next up is one of my fiddle teacher's bands: The Red Tide Ramblers.

Required Reading,

Picture of the weekend:  Kids preparing for the bowling outing,

1 comment:

Woody said...

That's a good looking bunch you've got there.
