06 March 2006

First Monday of Lent

Well it has been four days of lent and I have already just about said ah heck with it when it comes to following the discipline. I always set extremely low expectations for lent, that way I can usually accomplish the goals. But this year all hell seems to have broken loose, meetings, bible studies, seed orders, maple sugaring, finishing a cold frame, vacation planning, and what not. My only discipline is to spend some time each day outside and try to pray the hours, at the very least compline every week.

The sermon from yesterday was lost on the ol' Word program. I got in a hurry and shut off the computer without saving the document. i reckon i could scan it and then post it, well see.

I heard it said that when Howard Thurman preached he preached with his back to the congregation with his hands in the air reaching for the words falling from heaven. I dont know if that is true but it is a wonderful picture.

We took the kids maple sugaring yesterday at this farm. What a great place and what a great activity. I hope to tap some trees this afternoon and have a boiling party this weekend if I can locate a large iron kettle, I'm sure someone around here has one.

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